Sample BBSRC data sharing statement (2014) Example shared by Dr Christos Ioannou in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol. Qualitative descriptions (lithological data) will be validated through comparative descriptions of collected materials. Data Management Plan. Model clauses are provided in this Model Plan, along with explanatory text in italic. Rules for Creating a Data Management Plan. ", "Data will conform to best practices and standards from the X community." However, there are a few rules that you need to take note of when creating a data plan. Through this mechanism, users will apply to use these files, create data security plans, and agree to other access controls. ", "The principal investigators on the project and their institutions will hold the intellectual property rights for the research data they generate but will grant redistribution rights to [repository] for purposes of data sharing. If the plan is not to share and/or preserve certain data, then the plan must explain the basis of the decision (for example, cost/benefit considerations, other parameters of feasibility, scientific appropriateness, or limitations discussed in #4). If so, describe how those will be resolved if the data is shared (e.g., removing any personally identifying information in the data, working with institutional ethical committees, resolving potential conflicts by way of formal consent agreements). Figure 2 displays some benefits of research data management planning. There are 8 programs at the Office of Science. ", "Our research project will generate data from a large national sample. DOE Data Management Plan Requirements 2016 STIP Working Meeting April 12, 2016 ... Other DOE Offices and elements will implement data management plan requirements no later than October 1, 2015. ", "Over the course of the project, data will be generated from sensors and recorded in X format. Highlight best practices for data management 4. You will not be identified in any publication from this study or in any data files shared with other researchers. 568+ Plan Templates in Word; 568+ Sample Plan Samples; Data management is the creation and application of procedures, policies, architectures, and practices, with the aim to maintain the information life cycle requirements of a business, company, or enterprise. We recognize that these data are the property of X and hence we will be asking their permission to licence these data to Y for use in their exploration program. ", "All research data collected as part of this project is owned by the University. These data will be retained by [repository] as part of their permanent collection.". These are as follows: 1. Data will be contributed to X public database. UCSD Example Data Management Plans Over 20 example plans submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the United States by academics at UC San Diego. Data Management Resources at the Office of User Facilities. Trevor Jones technical appendix (2012) A plan from a large project digitising an archive of film music that was highly rated by peer reviewers. The data handling and management plan needs to be developed before a research project begins. Researchers will be able to contact the PI for access to data. The embargo will be lifted by [date]. Biology and chemistry DMPs Three example DMPs from the USA shared by NECDMC, an instructional tool for teaching RDM to undergraduates, graduate students, and researchers in the health sciences, sciences and engineering. ", "This project will generate data linked to administrative records, so the data will be distributed through a restricted data use agreement managed by [repository]. Mackintosh architecture technical appendix (2009) Technical appendix and addendum from the University of Glasgow, Example poor DMP with pointers Fictional AHRC technical plan with suggestions for improvements, developed by Brian Aitken for a DCC workshop. De-identifed files will be deposited with [repository] whose security policy has been written according to best practices. ICPSR Guidelines for effective data management plans Suggestions of what elements to include in data mangement plans and a useful list of example plans and guidance resources, Developing an Institutional Research Data Management Plan Service EDUCAUSE ACTI Data Management Working Group (ACTI-DM) white paper. Indicate if there any reasons not to share or re-use data (e.g., ethical, non-disclosure, etc.). ", "In addition to the research community, we expect these data will be used by practioners and policymakers.". The site will be available at a .org location. Department of Energy (DOE): Generic: Opens in new window Opens in new window: United States Department of Energy (DOE) 07-13-2020: DOE Policy for Digital Research Data Management DOE Suggested Elements for a Data Management Plan DOE Office of Science Statement on Digital Management ", "Few datasets exist that focus on this population in the United States and how their attitudes toward assimilation differ from those of others. This page offers guidance for writing a compliant data management plan for grant proposals submitted to the US Department of Defense. Campus Box 7132 The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (OS) implemented a data management plan (DMP) requirement in October 2014. Blog: Planning 3: Managing and Sustaining the Project Assets – Data Management Plans (11/2019) Department of Energy (DOE) Statement on Digital Data Management. "In addition to distributing the data from a project Web site, future long-term use of the data will be ensured by placing a copy of the data into [repository], ensuring that best practices in digital preservation will safeguard the files. Please refer to, "The data gathered will use a copyrighted instrument for some questions. ", "The clinical data collected from this project will be documented using CDISC metadata standards." The Steering Committee will be end-responsible for the data management plan. ", "Over the course of the project, data will be collected and entered into two relational databases. A Data Management Plan will help you identify the decisions that must be made regarding your data throughout your project. Campus Box 7111 ", Describe the intended or foreseeable uses and users of the data. You should review specific guidelines for data management planning from the funding agency with which you are working. Describe how the dataset will be licensed if rights exist (e.g., list any restrictions or delays on data sharing needed to protect intellectual property, copyright or patentable data). Please see full text example DMPs at the bottom of this page. "The project team will create a dedicated Web site to manage and distribute the data because the audience for the data is small and has a tradition of interacting as a community. ", "The research data from this project will be deposited with [repository] to ensure that the research community has long-term access to the data. Here you will find: Copies of the agency public access plan(s) A list of the most important requirements; A link to an appropriate DMP template Just like having a communication management plan and a quality management plan, it is very important for projects to have a scope management plan.Without this document, it will be easy for entities to direct the project in a different track which can negate the efficiency and effectiveness of the project team and the project processes. If applicable, describe what you have done to comply with your obligations in your IRB Protocol. ", "Day-to-day quality assessment will be the responsibility of the Lab Director who in turn is overseen by the Project Director.". ", "Our project will generate a large volume of data, some of which may not be appropriate for sharing since it involves a small sample that is not representative. Reusing existing data; Preparing a Data Management Plan (DMP) Costing RDM; Programmes. Humboldt University Anleitung zur Erstellung eines Datenmanagementplans (DMP) in Horizon 2020 Instructions [in German] for creating a DMP in Horizon 2020 using DMPonline. In the case of software, contact NC State's Office of Research Commercialization to review. A summary of example plans organised by research funders is provided below. The sensitive nature of these data will require that the data be released through a restricted use contract. In response to the rethinking of Data Management Plans, a DMP Interest Group was formed in February 2017 and meets online on a bimonthly basis.. 2 Broughton Drive The plan has been shared by the University of Leeds. ... Pannell J (2016) Data Management Plan for PhD Thesis "Climatic Limitation of Alien Weeds in New Zealand: Enhancing Species Distribution Models with Field Data". Experiment with DMP Tool 6. Two social science DMPs Example plans shared by the University of Leeds as part of the Leeds RoaDMaP training materials. Indicate how long will/should the data be kept beyond the life of the project. We thank the investigators who gave permission to include their DMPs on this site. This will subsequently be evaluated and revised yearly. Variables will use a standardized naming convention consisting of a prefix, root, suffix system. Describe the intended or foreseeable uses and users of the data. Considerations The data collection, handling, and management plan addresses three major areas of Because some funding agencies do not provide specific guidelines, below is an abbreviated compilation of data management plan elements from several sources including example text. Describe the form that the metadata will take (i.e., which metadata standards, if any, will be used). Draft evaluation rubric for assessing AHRC technical plans Assessment framework developed by Sarah Jones at the DCC, Plan for a BBSRC Tools and Resources Development Fund (TRDF) Grant DMP published in the RIOjournal by Dr Laurent Gatto at the University of Cambridge. Explore resources for writing DMPs NSF data management plans 5 DMPs submitted to the NSF, shared by the DataOne initiative A Data Management Plan can help meet this expectation. Data will be maintained in an open XML format to enable open re-use of the data. Online access to the data will be password protected. If you have example DMPs to add to this list, please fill in the form. Describe the set of conventions that you will use for naming data files and folders, and how you intend to manage multiple versions of files. Should ... for example, a web-based platform. These were drafted for a workshop on reviewing DMPs. "The data files from this study will be managed, processed, and stored in a secure environment (e.g., lockable computer systems with passwords, firewall system in place, power surge protection, virus/malicious intruder protection) and by controlling access to digital files with encryption and/or password protection. The primary resource on this population, [give dataset title here], is inadequate because...", "Data have been collected on this topic previously (for example: [add example(s)]). Suggested Elements for a Data Management Plan. Wellcome Trust Developing a data management and sharing plan An excellent FAQ from the Wellcome Trust outlining what its data plans should contain, and providing notes on how to answer the questions. Raleigh, NC 27695-7111 Describe which communities/groups are likely to be interested in the data. Separate files will be managed for the two kinds of records produced: one file for respondents and another file for children with merging routines specified. Data will be submitted to supplementary materials sections of peer-reviewed journals. The requirements are usually included in the individual program pages, but they may … The site will be established using a content management system like Drupal or Joomla so that data users can participate in adding site content over time, making the site self-sustaining. A data management plan or DMP is a formal document that outlines how data are to be handled both during a research project, and after the project is completed. If you are concerned about costs, Research Councils UK state it is: appropriate to use public funds to support the management and sharing of publicly-funded research data. The data collected as part of this project reflect the current time period and historical context. Research activities envisioned present no more than minimal risk to human subjects." The SNSF has set out the criteria it expects funded researchers to meet in its Open Research Data Policy statementFor the implementation of these princi… If you will be using existing data, describe the source of that data and the relationship between the data you are collecting and the existing data that you are integrating into the project. ", "The cost model is twice the current cost of storage. It is possible that several of these datasets, including the data collected here, could be combined to better understand how social processes have unfolded over time. Data management plan for Realist Evaluation of Adapted Sex Offender Treatment Programs for Men with Intellectual Disability This plan looks at managing quantitative and qualitative data, including audio interviews. ", "Metadata will be generated to describe the data generated in X format and will be stored alongside the data. X metadata standards will be applied during the creation of the metadata. At $1,850/usable TB, costs are estimated at $3,700/usable TB for the storage hardware for indefinite data retention. It was shared by the University of Leeds. Check with the funding agency to determine where in the proposal to include costs related to data management. ", "Data will be available and cited in publication. "Research data will be stored using X file formats. Intellectual Property Management Plans facilitate compliance with the terms and conditions of Department of Energy (DOE) financial assistance awards and work authorizations, and expedite commercialization and the dissemination of scientific data. Include a description of time allocations, training requirements, and contributions of non-project staff, as appropriate. About data management plans (DMPs) A data management plan (DMP) is a written document that describes the data you expect to acquire or generate during the course of a research project, how you will manage, describe, analyze, and store those data, and what mechanisms you will use at the end of your project to share and preserve your data. ESRC-DFID Example Data Management Plan Existing data The research objectives require qualitative data that are not available from other sources. Indicate when you will make the data available (including any factors such as embargo periods for political, commercial, patent reasons, or complying with publishing policies). The specified embargo period associated with the data being submitting extends from [date] until [date]. "Users of field data should acknowledge and/or offer co-authorship to the investigators who collected the data. The plan discusses ethical issues around a very sensitive dataset, including using consent and anonymisation to generate data which can be shared and reused. AutoPost An example DMP from an industry-driven innovation action that will deliver ICT-based solutions to enhance established post-production workflows. You should review specific guidelines for data management planning from the funding agency with which you are working. Like a project management plan, a data management plan is an essential piece of the puzzle, and must be done carefully and professionally for it to deliver its purpose. data management planning The data management plan is a living document by design. "The research data from this project will be deposited with the institutional repository on the grantees' campus. (919) 515-7110, Request a Data/Visualization Consultation, All Virtual & Augmented Reality Workshops, Academic Departmental Library Representatives, What to know about the Libraries: Winter Break, intellectual property and copyright issues, NC State Libraries' Copyright and Digital Scholarship Center, NC State's Office of Research Commercialization, Policies and Provisions for Re-use & Re-distribution, Public Data Management Plans from the DMPTool, ICPSR Data Management Plan Examples (wide variety of disciplines), Rice University Data Management Plan Examples, NSF Engineering Data Management Plan Template (University of Michigan), NEH Data Management Plans From Successful Grant Applications (2011 - 2014), Funding Agency Guidelines for Public Access. A reproduction of the instrument will be provided to [repository] as documentation for the data deposited with the intention that the instrument be distributed under "fair use" to permit data sharing, but it may not be redisseminated by users.". Indicate if there are any ethical and privacy issues related to sharing the data. The investigators will work with staff of the [repository] to determine what to archive and how long the deposited data should be retained. Many grant funders suggest that the minimum data retention period for research data so be certain to check funder requirements if you have one. The research project will remove any direct identifiers in the data before deposit with [repository]. NSF - Generic Template (Univ. Indicate who will have primary responsibility for how the data will persist over time when the original personnel are no longer associated with the project. Evaluation rubric for assessing H2020 plans Assessment framework developed according to the original H2020 template, Trypanosome Cell Processing (2014) Example shared by the University of Glasgow, Writing a Wellcome Trust DMP A guide by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) explaining how to write a DMP, illustrated by a worked example. The Principal Investigator of this project will take responsibility for the collection, management, and sharing of the research data. This supplementary document should describe how the proposal will conform to NSF policy on the dissemination and sharing of research results. ", "For this project, the principal investigators will request expedited IRB review compliant with procedures established by the [University] campus IRB. The [repository] has estimated their additional cost to archive the data at [insert dollar amount]. The result will be a Department-wide policy. That repository will be the ultimate home for the data". Data Management Plans (DMP) Interest Group. ", "Our research group has been trained in human subjects protection and only trained project staff operating under the IRB approval for the project will have access to the confidential individually identifiable data, and all data will be aggregated or anonymized for publication. 1. In the first year of the project, we will write a full data management plan. Bowen Public School– School Management Plan Version: 11/11/2011 Page 5 Number Strategies Indicators Reform Area Timeframe Responsibility 2012 Resource Allocation & Funding Source 2012 2013 2014 Maintain and improve the ability of staff to analyse SMART Data … Drosophila Genetics Example plan shared by the University of Glasgow, Evaluation rubric for assessing BBSRC data sharing plans Assessment framework developed by Mary Donaldson at the University of Glasgow, Synthetic chemistry example Plan shared by the University of Glasgow, Water supply and remediation project Example covering interview data and ethical approval. See the DMPTool for example templates for various funding sources and to create a DMP. Provide a short description of the data that will be generated in the research project (e.g., samples, physical collections, software, curriculum materials, and other materials to be produced during the course of the project). The SC FY19 budget of $6.6B supports a portfolio of basic research, which includes grants and contracts supporting over 25,000 researchers, including students, located at over 300 institutions and all 17 DOE national laboratories. Data management; Before research Before research: planning for data management ... Before research: planning for data management. Discuss challenges in developing data management plans (DMPs) 2. Review examples of agency guidelines 3. These include, for example, authors of the data, PI contact information, detailed sample information and details of analyses performed. You will also find tools, examples and support to help you write your Plans. A Data Management Plan provides guidelines and procedures for data management encouraging systematic documentation and description. University of Pittsburgh -- NSF Data Management Plan – Example 3 Data Management Plan I.Types of data from the Proposed Research Data that will be managed means recorded information of scientific or technical nature, regardless of form or the media on which … Indicate when and/or how often adherence to your DMP will be checked and/or demonstrated. Processed data files are reviewed by a supervisory staff member before release.". Describe the long-term strategy for storing and preserving the data. Indicate if you anticipate that the original data collector, creator, or principal investigator retains the right to use the data before opening it up to wider use. ", "There is an agreement regarding the right of the original data collector, creator, or PI for first use of the data. ", "For quantitative data files, the [repository] ensures that missing data codes are defined, that actual data values fall within the range of expected values and that the data are free from wild codes. Include an estimate of the amount of data and content of the data (if possible). Where existing standards are absent or deemed inadequate, this should be documented along with any proposed solutions or remedies. DOE . Lots of guidance and examples are available to help with data plans. (919) 515-3364, 1070 Partners Way ", "This project will produce public-use nationally representative survey data for the United States covering Americans' social backgrounds, enduring political predispositions, social and political values, perceptions and evaluations of groups and candidates, opinions on questions of public policy, and participation in political life. drastic case as in the opening example to clarify that data management may help and facilitate research. ", "This project will generate data designed to study the prevalence and correlates of DSM III-R psychiatric disorders and patterns and correlates of service utilization for these disorders in a nationally representative sample of over 8000 respondents. Please refer to, "Data will be posted on a website within three months of the grant closing. Office of Science (OS) List staff/organizational roles and their responsibilities for carrying out the data management plan (DMP); name specific people where possible. Managing and sharing research data as openly as possible is one of the principles of good scientific practice. Colorado School of Mines examples A variety of US example DMPs from Mines and elsewhere. "During data analysis, the data will be accessible only by certified members of the project team. Evaluate a sample plan 5. The SNSF adheres to this principle, as stated in Article 47 of its Funding Regulations: in stating that "[…] grantees are obliged to make available to the public in an appropriate manner the research results obtained with the help of SNSF funding, […]". Reflections from an AHRC reviewer Pointers suggested by Brian Aitken, a technical reviewer for the AHRC. Some evaluation cribsheets, overseas examples and general guidelines are also referenced. ", "By depositing data with [repository], our project will ensure that the research data are migrated to new formats, platforms, and storage media as required by good practice." • DOE Public Access Plan and Office of Science Statement on Digital Data Management (July, 2014) • DOE Policy for Digital Research Data Management (Sept, 2015) Brief History – Data 2 Data Management Policies of other Agencies Global Policy Context The Commission is running a flexible pilot under Horizon 2020 called the Open Research Data Pilot (ORD pilot). NSF - Generic Template (Syracuse Univ.) The PI will be responsible for ensuring that all project members are aware as to the ownership of data and who may access them and under what conditions. is created by a group of major research institutions to help researchers generate data management plans. Include the names of the person(s) responsible for adherence to your DMP. Several of the programs have sub programs, or additional requirements. Include any anticipated income from licensing data. ", "The main output from this project is field data. Plan shared by Dr Aja Murray at Cambridge University. Describe the process for transferring responsibility for the data. "The project will assign a qualified data manager certified in disclosure risk management to act as steward for the data while they are being collected, processed, and analyzed. Explain why have you chosen particular standards and approaches for metadata and contextual documentation (e.g., recourse to staff expertise, Open Source, accepted domain-local standards, widespread usage). The guide walks through the process of creating a DMP with the tool and notes the specific requirements in the Horizon 2020 open data pilot. Data management planning University of Arizona Example DMPs. The ORD pilot aimsto improve and maximise access to and re-use of research data generated by Horizon 2020 projects and takes into account the need to balance openness and protection of scientific information, commercialisation and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), privacy concerns, security as well as data management and preservation questions. Data management planning for ESRC researcher Guidelines from the UK Data Service to help applicants respond to the specific ESRC requirements, Data Management Plan: Guidance for Peer-Reviewers An explanation of what the ESRC is looking for in data management plans, AtlantOS Data Management Plan A 2016 DMP covering the concept of FAIR data for an Altalntic Ocean observation systems project, Centre of Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe (2016) DMP provided by the German Climate Centre (DKRZ), FREME Data Management Plan Plan developed by the Open framework of e-services for multilingual and semantic enrichment of digital content project, Helix Nebula open science cloud A High Energy Physics example covering the Large Hadron Collider experiments, Open Sea Operating Experience to Reduce Wave Energy Costs First version of a DMP by the opera project, Tweether An engineering based micro-electronics example. 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